ICoRSI Annual Scientific Meeting, March 2017
Papers Discussed
Preventing motor vehicle injuries and deaths – science vs folklore – Brian O’Neill
Speed in a high-speed society: Christer Hyden
Principles for development of safer rural highway systems (road design, enforcement, etc), especially for conditions prevailing in low and middle income countries: Geetam Tiwari
Promoting road safety worldwide: Hermann Knoflacher
Reducing the global toll of road traffic injuries: Estimates of what can be achieved with available interventions: KaviBhalla
Vehicle design for road safety in low and middle-income countries with special reference to car crashworthiness tests and emerging vehicle technologies: Dinesh Mohan
Safety issues focussing on motorised two and three- wheeler vehicles in the informal transport sector: María Isabel Gutiérrez
Prehospital care, and management of trauma in LMICs: Mathew Varghese
The current global road safety movement. What will it take to build safe transport systems?:Mark Stevenson